ミツモア Tech blog


Migrating to PNPM from Yarn

Introduction What is pnpm? pnpm (performant npm) is a fast, disk-space-efficient package manager for JavaScript and Node.js projects. Unlike traditional package managers like Yarn and npm, pnpm introduces a unique approach to dependency ma…

Improving aider's repo map to do large, simple refactors automatically.

Introduction aider is an LLM based tool you can run on your command line and ask it to write code for you. It’s similar to tools like Cursor and Copilot X, in that you can ask it to make changes to your code and build new features and it c…

Custom Report - Serving more than 100 tenants by going EKS

Hi, this is David(@tianweiliu) from MeetsMore’s Site Reliability Engineering team, again. Today I will talk about how ECS was hard-limiting us on the number of tenants we can serve our new Custom Report feature to, and how migrating to EKS…

Our Minimalist Architecture Codenamed V-NEXT

By @Baoshan Sheng, Product Designer at MeetsMore After 1,200 days since the inception, our flagship service ProOne is receiving its first major architectural revamp. Before diving into the “Talk is cheap. Show me the code.” part, it's wor…

Redash × GASで25,000回/月のスプシ貼り付けを自動化した話

※こちらはミツモアAdvent Calendar 2024の12/19の記事です。 こんにちは、ミツモアの非エンジニアの深澤です。 ミツモアでは、社内のデータ活用を促進するため、Redashのデータをスプレッドシートに連携する社内ツール「importdataGAS」を開発・運用していま…

How ProOne uses Prisma Middleware for Custom Data Security

Here at ProOne, we leverage Prisma as our ORM solution to interact with our PostgreSQL database. Prisma has proven to be an optimal solution, providing convenient and type-safe ways to interact with our database while remaining performant …

Reducing SRE Toil with TypeScript IaC - CDK for Terraform

Hi! My name is Xing Yahao(@keidarcy) and I’m the SRE team leader at MeetsMore, a SaaS company with toB and toC service based in Tokyo. Generated by ChatGPT The Challenge While managing infrastructure resources on service providers like AWS…


こんにちは。ミツモアエンジニアの加藤です。 ※こちらはミツモアAdvent Calendar 2024の12/13の記事です この記事では、シーケンス管理の実装方法として、PostgreSQLを利用した具体例を紹介します。 ミツモアのプロダクト「ProOne」では、ユーザー設定に基づ…

Using Rust as a Typescript developer

Hello everyone, this is @GuillaumeDecMeetsMore from the Foundation team. For this advent calendar, I'll talk a little about our ongoing attempt at using Rust at Meetsmore. As you may already know, we are a company that mostly uses Typescri…

mongoose のpopulateの型を動的に生成する / Create a dynamic type for mongoose populate

こんにちは、株式会社ミツモアの坂本です この記事はミツモアアドベントカレンダー2024 2日目の記事です。 振り返ると毎年TypeScriptの型に関する記事を書いていますね。 https://engineering.meetsmore.com/entry/2022/12/06/215335 https://engineering.me…