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Reducing SRE Toil with TypeScript IaC - CDK for Terraform

Hi! My name is Xing Yahao(@keidarcy) and I’m the SRE team leader at MeetsMore, a SaaS company with toB and toC service based in Tokyo.

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The Challenge

While managing infrastructure resources on service providers like AWS and GCP for meetsmore.com and pro-one-cloud.com, our engineering team frequently needed simple infrastructure changes - creating S3 buckets, modifying CloudFront behaviors, or updating IAM permissions. While we used Terraform, developers weren't comfortable with HCL (HashiCorp Configuration Language), creating redundant or repetitive work for SRE team.

After evaluating several Infrastructure as Code (IaC) solutions including Pulumi, AWS CDK, AWS CloudFormation, we chose CDK for Terraform (CDKTF) because it offered:

  • Multi-cloud provider support
  • Terraform's mature toolchain
  • TypeScript integration for developer familiarity

Implementation Journey

Migration Process

Our SRE team completed the migration from HCL to CDKTF in approximately 6 months. Key milestones included:

  1. Converting existing infrastructure to TypeScript-based CDKTF
  2. Implementing Atlantis for pull request automation
  3. Establishing security controls and review processes
  4. Setting up automated drift detection

This transformation delivered immediate benefits:

  • Reduced SRE team toil
  • Improved focus on scalability and observability
  • Better infrastructure understanding across teams
  • Increased overall productivity


We chose Bun as our package manager and Biome as our linter for their superior CI installation speed and performance. The project setup is straightforward - our cdktf.json configuration simply specifies:

  "app": "bun run main.ts"

For teams looking to start with a similar setup, I've created a template repository demonstrating the complete basic configuration.

Multi-Environment Management

Our infrastructure spans multiple AWS accounts, GCP projects, and Datadog organizations. To avoid complexity in the sample code, I will only consider AWS in the following examples. We define different stacks for each account, using environment variables to determine which stack to initialize in the CDKTF main file. We use environment-specific stacks to:

  • Isolate resources and prevent cross-impact
  • Enable parallel work across teams
  • Maintain separate state files in S3

Here's our main CDKTF file:

const app = new App()

const isShared = NODE_ENV === 'shared-staging' || NODE_ENV === 'shared-prod'
const isMeetsmore = NODE_ENV === 'prod' || NODE_ENV === 'staging'
const isProOne = NODE_ENV === 'proone-prod' || NODE_ENV === 'proone-staging'

if (isMeetsmore) {
  new MeetsMoreAppsStack(app, `meetsmore-apps-${NODE_ENV}`)
  new MeetsMoreAppsStack(app, `meetsmore-utils-${NODE_ENV}`)

if (isShared) {
  new SharedAppsStack(app, `shared-apps-${NODE_ENV}`)
  new SharedUtilsStack(app, `shared-utils-${NODE_ENV}`)

if (isProOne) {
  new ProOneAppsStack(app, `proone-apps-${NODE_ENV}`)
  new ProOneUtilsStack(app, `proone-utils-${NODE_ENV}`)


Atlantis Integration

In Atlantis, we define pre-workflow hooks as those that handle different environments. While this approach might seem brute force, Bun's performance makes it highly efficient:

  - run: |
      bun install --production &&
      NODE_ENV=shared-staging cdktf synth --output ./shared-staging &&
      # Additional environments

Our atlantis.yaml in the repository root defines projects:

version: 3
  - name: meetsmore-apps-staging
    dir: staging/stacks/meetsmore-apps-staging
    # Additional project definitions...

After set up, Atlantis listens to GitHub webhooks and responds to PR. When a team member comments like atlantis plan -p shared-apps-shared-staging, Atlantis executes a Terraform plan for the shared staging environment. Similarly, atlantis apply -p shared-apps-shared-staging applies the previously generated plan to the corresponding environment.

PR comments with Atlantis

This automation ensures our master branch accurately reflects the deployed infrastructure state. While we primarily manage infrastructure through code, we maintain manual console access for incident response and staging environment testing. To keep infrastructure code synchronized with the actual state, we implemented daily drift detection that identifies and reports any discrepancies between code and deployed resources.

Security and Automation

Access Control

We implemented a balanced security approach:

  • All organization members can contribute code
  • Anyone can trigger atlantis plan
  • Only SRE team members can execute atlantis apply
  • Changes must be applied before merging to master

Drift Detection

We automated infrastructure drift detection using GitHub Actions:

name: Drift Detection Check
run-name: drift-detection
      - cron: "00 21 * * 0-4" # JST 06:00

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: Checkout
        uses: actions/checkout@v4

      - name: Plan meetsmore-apps-staging
        if: github.event.schedule == '05 21 * * 0-4'
          NODE_ENV: staging
          STACK: meetsmore-apps-staging
        run: |
          gh pr comment $PR_NUMBER --body "atlantis plan -d $NODE_ENV/stacks/$STACK"

This system:

  • Creates one PR and runs plans for all different stacks daily
  • Collects results and sends Slack notifications with plan links
  • Runs before work hours to allow immediate attention to any differences
  • Maintains infrastructure consistency

Drift Detection Slack Message

Resource Tagging

We've implemented a sophisticated tagging system to organize and track resources:

export class TagsAddingAspect implements IAspect {
  constructor(private tagsToAdd: Record<string, Record<string, string>>) {}

  visit(node: IConstruct): void {
    if (isTaggableConstruct(node)) {
      for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(this.tagsToAdd)) {
        if (node.node.path.includes(key)) {
          const currentTags = node.tagsInput || {}
          node.tags = { ...value, ...currentTags }

type TaggableConstruct = IConstruct & {
  tags?: { [key: string]: string }
  tagsInput?: { [key: string]: string }

function isTaggableConstruct(x: IConstruct): x is TaggableConstruct {
  const isTaggable = 'tags' in x && 'tagsInput' in x
  const isNotDataSource = !(x instanceof TerraformDataSource)
  return isTaggable && isNotDataSource

In stack file:

  new TagsAddingAspect({
    atlantis: {
      app_name: APP_NAME.ATLANTIS,
      area_name: AREA_NAME.COMPANY_SHARED,

This system ensures consistent tagging across resources with minimal code duplication. We add app_name and area_name to all resources as cost allocation tags and an indicator to understand resource scope.

Cost Grouped Pie Chart

Challenges and Future Improvements

Continuous Reconciliation

Inspired by ArgoCD's approach to Kubernetes resource management, we're exploring Burrito to bring similar continuous state reconciliation to our Terraform ecosystem, potentially eliminating the need for scheduled drift detection.

Stack Optimization

As our stacks grow, we face challenges with:

  • Increasing Terraform command execution time
  • Resource coupling
  • Atlantis locks blocking development

We're planning to implement more granular stack separation to address these issues.

Community Considerations

The CDKTF community, while growing, isn't as active as the traditional Terraform or AWS CDK communities. Additionally, OpenTofu's uncertain commitment to support creates a consideration point for long-term planning. We're actively monitoring these aspects to ensure our infrastructure strategy remains sustainable. Note: While we've confirmed CDKTF is currently OpenTofu compatible, there's no official guarantee.

Terraform Module Support

One significant advantage of CDKTF is its Terraform module support, and TypeScript provides strong type-checking. However, when using Terraform Modules, any map type HCL variables become any in TypeScript, which compromises type safety. Due to this incomplete type support, we remain conservative in our use of Terraform modules.

Developer Team Involvement

While CDKTF migration has significantly increased developer contributions to our infrastructure repository, the SRE team aims to foster even more involvement. We continue looking for ways to encourage broader participation from our development teams.


Our migration to CDKTF has significantly improved our infrastructure management:

  • Increased developer participation in infrastructure changes
  • Enhanced security through automated workflows
  • Better resource organization and tracking
  • Reduced operational overhead

While challenges remain, particularly around performance and community support, the benefits have justified our decision. We continue to iterate on our implementation, focusing on automation, security, and developer experience.